Kabdulina Aiken Kumarbekovna

Makes amulets for the home from felt, artificial and natural fur. She embroiders Kazakh ornaments. She makes cushions from natural materials with Kazakh ornaments. Makes accessories from natural material and different handicrafts. She is sewing New Year's costumes by order. Engaged in creative activities. Participates in various exhibitions in the district, regional and first place. Received various diplomas from the district akim. Certificates of participation in the exhibition "THE FAMILY UNITY - THE UNITY OF THE NATION" in the nomination "FAMILY WORKSHOP" from 20.08.2011 year.

The diploma of Akim of the Glubokoe district A. Bekbosynov for the occupied 1st place in the district festival of creative collectives of veteran organizations "Kairan erler, kaharman ardagerler".

Diploma of the House of Friendship of the Glubokoe district "Arts and crafts" for high performing skills and care for the preservation of best traditions.

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