Sibin Lakes

Sibiny is a group of five elongated lakes. Each has its own name: Sadyrkol, Tortkara, Shalkar, Korzhinkol and Karakol. If you look at the lakes from space, from above they resemble the claw print of a bear, which scratched the ground, after which the notches filled with water.

How to get there?

The distance from the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk to Lake Shalkar, where the main beach is located and where most of the recreation sites are grouped, is about 85 kilometers. If you drive by car on asphalt, the way is a little more than an hour.

Where to stay and where to eat?

It is recommended to book rooms in cottages, recreation centers or guest houses in advance and there you will be offered meals. During the warm season there are cafes on the shore of Lake Shalkar. If you're used to having a rest on your own you can make yourself comfortable in your tents on the shore. It's not allowed to make bonfires so you should think about independent gas stoves and food beforehand. You'll be able to buy the food better in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The nearest village Algabas is three kilometers from the first lake Sadyrkol, there you can buy some of the basic necessities.

What to do and what to buy as a souvenir of East Kazakhstan?

Here, from the rocky peaks of Baiga, Medvedka, Koktau, tourists admire the panoramic views. On the coast there are areas for volleyball, tennis, soccer, bungee jumping and even points for jumping from rocks into the water. In winter, Sibiny attracts fans of ice skating.

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