Cinema (illusion) "Echo", 1911

A two-story brick building, the roof is gable, the west and east walls transition into stepped pediments. On the sides the roof rests on a stepped wall, topped by pyramidal turrets with metal ornaments. This architectural image is clearly borrowed from the architecture of old Polish or Baltic cities. The main motive of the decoration of the walls of the main facade is its partitioning by rectangles, and on the second floor in the center by round pilasters that frame a decorative balcony. The roof is decorated in the corners and center of the facade with turrets, in the center - with a pediment, which is crowned with a sharp metal acrophy. The windows are rectangular, and there is a lucern above the balcony door. The pattern of the window bindings resembles a light openwork lattice. The side facades are flat.

According to architectural historians this is the first cinema building in Kazakhstan.

In 1958 the big hall was extended on the North-East by 2 meters and a small hall was added to it. Excluding the replacement of window blocks it is in preservation. There is partial destruction of the facing brick.

The melodramatic salon films of entertaining character with piquant titles such as "Sonyka the Golden Pen", "Sashka the Seminarian", "For Every Tear a Drop of Blood", "Gypsy Girl Aza", "Delayed Flowers", "Keys of Happiness" were shown at the "Echo" cinema. Many of them were made with the participation of the then popular actress and singer Vera Kholodnaya.

Silent movies were shown with musical accompaniment on the piano. But you can not think as if the silent movie screen was completely devoid of words: they were present at each session in the form of inscriptions. And although not everyone could read, everyone left watching another film with a sense of wonder and celebration, which one would like to repeat as soon as possible and as often as possible.

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