High City Primary School

There was a street Andreevskaya in Ust-Kamenogorsk. It originated from the bank of gray Irtysh and passed by the market square, fire station and went into the wasteland, where in 1899-1902 years by political exiles the city garden was laid (nowadays Zhambyl park).

In 1886 on the left side of this street was built one of the best for that time two-storey building of the male elementary school (opened back in 1881). ontones curvilinear outline Two-story building with a four pitch roof, symmetrical with side, rectangular in plan projections. The central projection is a pentagon. All the projections have frnii. The entrance is in the center of the central ledge. The broken gable over the projecting central part of the facade has a square architrave. The wide cornice is decorated with flat modulons. The field of modulons is also decorated with a relief thrust separating the floors.

The window openings have barely perceptible arches. The main entrance from the park side is decorated with pilasters and has a porch. Above it is a balcony with a wooden balustrade. Originally the upper floor was occupied by the town school, the lower floor was occupied by female elementary school. Since 1912. - This was the Higher City Primary School. In the first Soviet years the building was used as a secondary school. During the WWII there was a hospital.

After the end of the war till the 60-s the building was occupied by the surgical department of the regional hospital and then by the evening school. The building acquired a new life when it was given to the regional ethnographic museum.

During the Soviet period the decorative turrets along the perimeter of the roof were lost. There are no other significant damages. Partial remodeling was done inside the building.

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