The building of the former People's House

The only historical monument of national importance in Ust-Kamenogorsk is a beautiful building. Originally the People's House was located here.

Architects note that the structure, the free asymmetrical organization of the plan and the facade decoration is strongly influenced by Art Nouveau. The abundance of architectural details (pilasters, round arched windows, turrets, crowning corners of the roof) makes the building very plastic and expressive.

On October 26, 1902, the People's House was officially opened. The statute of the People's House consisted of 13 paragraphs, the goal of which was "to give the people the opportunity to spend their free time with comfort, pleasure and benefit". For this purpose, it is necessary to organize dances, masquerades, musical and literary evenings, performances and similar entertainments, such as games of a checkers, chess and billiards, to subscribe for books, newspapers, periodicals, as well as to invite specialists in different sciences to give lectures.

The new beautiful building had a capacious hall and choirs, and housed the town government, library, museum, and sobriety tea room. With the building of the People's House, charity balls, plays, and masquerades quickly came into practice.

The first theater season was opened in January 1936 with the performance of "Marriage" by Nikolai Gogol. At the theater was organized by national Kazakh drama group of 15 people. The repertoire of the group included such productions as "Glorious Dzhigit" by G. Grebenshikov, the drama "The Fortress" by N. Annenkova-Bernard based on the national epic.

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