Oralkhan Bokei House Museum

On the way to the village of Shyngystai, anyone interested can visit the House-museum of Oralkhan Bokey– a prominent Kazakh writer, and a true master of Kazakh prose. Until recently, O. Bokeev was called a young writer. Now he is among those who constitute the middle generation of modern Kazakh literature, who carry on their shoulders the responsibility for its prestige, its present and its future. A novel, fifteen tales, eight plays, about forty short stories, prestigious titles, acknowledgement abroad - from Germany to no less discerning Japan - he had all this thanks to his tremendous work, multiplied by a bright original talent. A film based on the story of 0. Bokeev "The Deer Man" was shot in the writer's homeland, in the village of Katon-Karagai. This is the first film adaptation of the work of our countryman. The choice of a source material was not accidental. Kazakhfilm creative group was attracted to the story not only by the originality of the narrative, but also by the philosophical principle most fully expressed by the author.

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