Tarbagatai Local History Museum

Tarbagatai District Local History Museum was established as a branch of the Regional Museum of Local History of Semey.

The museum is located in a domed two-storey private building made in the architectural style.

The permanent exhibition of the museum is divided into three sections.

- The Nature Section introduces the nature of the region, its animal and plant world. Here you can find information about the climate, land cover, archaeological excavations, as well as widely popularized scientific works of researchers of the region. Cultural events related to the protection of the nature of the area and environmental problems are organized..
- The Antiquity Section is based on research materials about the history of the inhabitants who occupied the territory of the region since the Stone Age. The exhibition features finds discovered during archaeological excavations. A collection of priceless finds telling about the national cultural heritage has been gathered. Manuscripts, documents, archival materials, and videos about the history of the region are widely used in the exhibition. The works of researchers and orientalists of the region are also present.
- The Modernity Section provides information from the moment the district was formed up until the present time. Scientific research and collecting work is carried out systematically in the museum. Identified documents of the Central State Archive and the National Scientific Academy, archives of Semey, Omsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk have replenished and enriched the scientific fund of the museum. On the basis of these documents, articles have been written and published in republican, regional and district periodicals. Geographical, archaeological and ethnographic expeditions have been organized on the initiative of the museum. As a result of this work, the best samples of the national cultural heritage were collected.

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