As part of the Regional Plan for the Development of scientific research in the field of archeology in East Kazakhstan, burial mounds were excavated in the Valley of the Kings. In this famous site, scientists managed to discover mound No. 2, which contained the remains of a man and seven sacrificial horses dating back to the end of the IV century BC and mound No. 11 - the richest necropolis where the burials of the king and queen, as well as 13 horses, were found, the burial was carried out in 294 BC.
In 2016, a glass sarcophagus was opened on the territory of Berel mound No. 2. The glass sarcophagus located above the burial, which allows visitors to descend into the burial pit and see the archaeological treasures up close. The area of the tempered glass structure is 90 square meters, and its height from the artifacts reaches 8.5 meters.
In 2018, an Open Air Museum opened on the 11th mound. The project was implemented by the State Historical and Cultural Museum-reserve "BEREL" on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is worth mentioning that the mound has been completely restored, copies of the exhibits are displayed in the same position as they were found.

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