School-Museum of Abdikarim Yerezhepuly

The school in the village of Shyngystai is not just an educational institution, but a real witness to history. It was first built in 1907 by Abdikerim Yerezhepuly with the permission of the field Governor-General of Omsk, and was then called the "Russian-Kyrgyz School Yerezhep". Youth from all over the region came to study there: Ulan, Kurshim, Tarbagatay, Zaysan, Markakol, Katon-Karagay districts. In different years, famous Kazakh educators Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov and Oralkhan Bokey taught here. Over the course of the 20th century, the school was renamed seven times. And in the 90s, after independence, the building was given to the local population, who dismantled this temple of knowledge to the ground.
On the initiative of the director of "Elkhon" LLP Tumashinov Lukbek Shabdanovich, the historical object was restored. An exact copy of the village school was reconstructed from an old wooden log house made of larch transported from the village of Katon. Archive photo documents made it possible to restore the building in the same form as it was at the beginning of the last century.
The walls of an old wooden log house are all covered with Russian letters and Arabic script. In the 30s of the last century, it housed the NKVD, and the names of those sentenced to death and prisoners are still written on the walls. And now, next to small classrooms, a unique museum has taken place here, with historical documents, household items and an iconic wall with the names of people who have sunk into oblivion.

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