Monument to Ya.V. Ushanov

The author of the project: sculptor - G.A. Ognev, architect - A.N. Dushkin. The solemn opening of the monument took place on November 5, 1973. On March 14, 1918 all the power in Ust-Kamenogorsk was taken over by the Soviet of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, headed by J.V.Ushanov and lasted 87 days. At night of June 10, 1918 there was made White Guard coup. Many members of Ust-Kamenogorsk Soviet Deputies were arrested. In autumn 1918 by order of Ataman Annenkov 30 commissars were sent to Semipalatinsk by steamship "Mongol", among them was Ya. Ushanov was among them. By order of Annenkov, Y.V. Ushanov was burned in the furnace of the steamship.

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