The ethno-village was erected in the left-bank complex in 2010 by enthusiastic local historians in just 28 days. The total area of the reserve is 10 hectares.

The purpose of the ethno-village is to show everyday life, traditions, rituals and customs.

On the territory of the ethno-village there are estates of different peoples who lived in the Eastern Kazakhstan in the late XIX and mid-twentieth centuries. Architects have tried to preserve and convey the atmosphere of the time, typical of each people. In addition to Kazakh yurts and Russian izba here you can see Tatar, Uighur, Ukrainian, Polish, Korean, German, Azerbaijani, Chechen and other farmsteads.

Guests can enter the courtyard of the manor house and the house. Many of the furnishings - furniture, carpets, curtains and even clothing - are relics, preserved from the last century.

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