Belukha Mountain is the highest point of Siberia and Altai, covered with snow and glaciers. There are many waterfalls and mountain lakes on its slopes.

The first explorers were amazed by the beauty of the area and even compared it with Switzerland. On the first maps of Altai, you can see such names as the North Chui Alps and the Katun Alps.

According to buddhist beliefs, the mountain is the "heart" of the universe, early Christians believed that Belovodye (Kingdom of Opona) is a blessed country where people find themselves absolutely happy and peaceful.

In the glaciers of the Katun mountain range, the overall area of which is about 890 sq. km. many rivers originate, that are divided into two basins of the Katun River (Altai Republic) and the Irtysh River (Eastern Kazakhstan). Rapid currents of mountain rivers run through alpine meadows, juniper taiga and unusual slopes.

Belukha Mountain is an attractive hill climbing and mountaineering object.

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