Kyndyk tas (Prayer Stone)

At the foot of Muztau Mountain is a stone called Kyndyk tas. This stone has a strong energy and mysterious power emanates from it. "Kyndyk tas" or "Prayer Stone" or "Roerich Stone" is considered energetically powerful and revered by followers of Roerich's teachings. This is the stone on which the great painter wrote a series of his unique paintings.

"Kyndyk tas" is a place where people come to venerate Muztau, pray, ask to fulfill their wishes and leave donations. From there Muztau is like in the palm of your hand. On a large flat stone there is an icon, colored rags and coins. The wishes made here are sure to come true. Here people are "charged" with kind, healthy energy. They also "charge" personal items brought here specifically for this purpose (icons, various souvenirs). People were thinking about the meaning of life here, and Muztau, like a white goddess, looked at them.


  • Katon-Karagay
  • On the territory of the Katon-Karagai National Park
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