On April 7, 2015 the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev inaugurated the new building of the East Kazakhstan Regional Drama Theater. The theater is designed for 600 seats, it has rehearsal halls and a small auditorium. The new building has comfortable dressing rooms, an exercise room, a ballet room and a music room. The building was built according to the latest technology. Directors and actors have excellent lighting, stage and music equipment at their disposal, as well as a recording studio. Also in 2015, a youth theater troupe began working in the building.
Five to six premieres are prepared here each year, and the directing staff is constantly in creative search. There are about 200 performances on the stage, more than half of them with a full house. The theater's repertoire is quite diverse. There are plays of Russian and foreign classics and modern drama. When putting together the repertoire the artistic council never forgets about the younger audience. Every year three or four performances are staged for them. In summer, performances are staged on the terrace overlooking the city.