The highest mountain in Siberia, Belukha (4509 meters), was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998. It is equidistant from three oceans and is therefore considered the center of Eurasia.

Kazakhs call Belukha no other than Muztau. The root "Muz" means Ice, Tau - Mountain, which means Ice Mountain.

A hiking trip to the footsteps of this "frostinating" beautiful lady named Belukha begins from the village of Yazovka (Karaayryk).

Stunning view opens in the early morning from the shore of Lake Yazevoye. The sacred mountain appears from here as the icy throne of God, that is reflected in the mirror of the motionless lake.

A new trend of Altai tourism has become traveling to the so-called places of power, which are considered to be the Lake of Balance and the Prayer Stone near Mount Belukha.

Each of these places is covered with legends. Admirers of Roerich's teachings call Belukha the heart of the universe, where people feel absolutely happy and peaceful.

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