Mount Calendar

Mount Calendar is a mountain peak in the Altai Mountains system. Located in the East Kazakhstan Region, Glubokoe district. Right next to the mountain there is a second peak - Kalendarenok, connected to the Calendar by a neck. The top of the Mount Calendar is 1113.3 meters, Kalendarenok - 1107.1. There is a triangulation sign on top of the Kalendarenok. Locals say that from the top of the Calendar opens a view of 40 villages at once. According to the Altai researcher, local historian Viktor Ivanovich Vereshchagin (1871-1956), the name Calendar is associated with the ability to predict precipitation by the mountain's appearance. Vereshchagin once wrote how, in his presence, a local old-timer made a correct rain forecast, explaining that the accumulation of clouds on the mountain top always portends inclement weather.

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