Kalbinsky ridge

The Kalbinsky ridge is a mountain ridge in the southwest of Altai, located on the territory of Eastern Kazakhstan. The ridge is a system of highly dissected, mainly low-mountain massifs, reaching an altitude of 1300-1500 m in the east. To the west , the mountains descend and gradually turn into 450-700 m high upland . The length of the ridge is about 400 km . The maximum height is 1606 m .

The Kalbinsky ridge is composed of Paleozoic shales, sandstones and intrusive rocks (mainly granites). There are deposits of gold and polymetallic ores. Steppe vegetation prevails on mountain chestnut and chernozem soils up to a height of 800-1200 m. Above there are rare-coniferous pine and birch-aspen forests. The highest peaks are dominated by subalpine meadows.


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