Azutau is a ridge in East Kazakhstan Region, bordering the basin of Lake Markakol from the south. The ridge is 70 km long, about 15 km wide, and approximately 2386 m high. The highest point of the Azutau ridge is Matabai (2334.5 m above sea level). Between the mountain peaks there are small, shallow footings and swampy lakes. On the slopes of the Azutau ridge at an altitude of 1700- 1900 meters above sea level, there grow larch trees with an admixture of fir and spruce, overgrown with dense impassable grass. There are a lot of dead wood and fallen trees in the forest. Fir trees here are tall, up to 30-35 meters, not sprawling, with a crown in the form of a narrow cone.

Honeysuckle bushes, red or dark purple currants with blooming wild peonies and buttercups grow under fir trees. On the northwestern and western slopes of the larch taiga, meadowsweet, prickly rose, bristly currant bushes and blue honeysuckle appear in the undergrowth.

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