Altai Botanical Garden

Currently, its area is 154.2 hectares, within the absolute heights from 770 to 860 m. The botanical garden has a diverse relief from the floodplain of the Bystrukha River to the rocky slopes of the Ivanovsky Ridge. Climate is sharply continental. According to the Ridder meteorological station, the average annual air temperature is 1.8 °C, with an absolute maximum of +41.5 °C and a minimum of -46.7 ° C. Frost-free period is 51-139 days. Since the very first days of its establishment, the botanical garden has a task of economic and scientific importance: the introduction and acclimatization of local and non-local plant species, research, identification and reproduction of the most valuable of them and distribution in the agriculture of the region.

Currently, the Altai Botanical Garden contains significant genetic material of domestic and international flora species, with a wide range of adaptive capabilities. This priceless gene pool was collected on the territory of East Kazakhstan, obtained from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as near and far abroad. The scientific collection fund of the Altai Botanical Garden includes medicinal plants, decorative, nutritional, fodder plants of the local flora, rare and endangered plants of Kazakhstan, ornamental perennials of cultural and non-local flora, scrublands, fruit and berry cultivars.

According to the results of the 2014 spring inventory count, the modern scientific collection fund of living plants includes 1,632 species related to 278 genera, 83 families. In addition to species diversity, 1210 varieties and 3556 forms and samples are cultivated in the collections.

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