Kuludzhunsky Nature Reserve

The Kuludzhunsky Nature Reserve was created with the aim of preserving and restoring the number of rare and endangered animals, as well as a valuable species in scientific, cultural and economic terms - roe deer – Capreolus capreolus pygargus. The sands of Kyzyl-Kum are one of the places where siberian roe deer migrate for the winter.

The total area of the reserve is 46,000 hectares.

The indicator species of the animal world is the Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus pygargus.

There are no objects of historical and cultural heritage in the Kuludzhunsky (zoological) reserve.

Hunting, fishing, capture of wild animals by any means, introduction of foreign species of plants and animals, destruction of nests, burrows, lairs and other habitats, egg collection, as well as other actions that caused or may cause the death of animals are prohibited in the Kuludzhunsky Reserve.

The vegetation of the reserve is very distinctive, various types of flora is represented on its territory: desert shrubby and semi-shrubby, desert, semi-shrubby, desert steppes and fragments of pine woodlands - the remains of the Khatun-Karagai ribbon forest that disappeared in the first half of the XIX century. The Kuludzhun floodplain is characterized by motley grass marshy meadows.

Mammalian fauna makes up almost a third of the species composition of the Zaisan basin. Predominant desert species are: long-eared hedgehog, steppe polecat, desert hare (tolai), red fox, northern three-toed jerboa. Steppe species are represented by the southern birch mouse, steppe pika, Ural field mouse, Eurasian least shrew, roe deer, wild boar, badger. The birds of the reserve are spread over two biotopes. Larks, grey partridge, and quail are typical for the sands areas. Extremely rare: eurasian crane, demoiselle crane, great bustard, little bustard, MacQueen's bustard, booted eagle, eastern emperial eagle. Black-necked, red-necked and great crested grebes, bitterns, great egret, gray heron, graylag goose, mallard, northern shoveler, gadwall and others nest in the marsh-river floodplain of Kuludzhun. From reptiles you can find the Zaisan toadhead agama, sand lizard, multi-ocellated racerunner, gloydius halys and others.

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