Synegorsk fir grove

It was formed to protect a relic Siberian fir habitat, the only one on the left bank of the Irtysh River, and is a remnant element of the dark coniferous pine forests that previously covered the entire Kalbinsky range.

The fir grove, with a forest area of 97 hectares, is located on the northern slope of the Medvedki mountain of the Koktau massif. Fir grows in a moistened ravine and among the rocks, forming both pure stands and mixed with birch and aspen. The rocks are characterized by curvilinear fir forests; multi-stemmed forms are also found. Individual trees reach a height of 16 meters with a trunk diameter of 24 cm. The undergrowth includes Siberian juniper, mountain ash, and rose hips. Among the herbaceous vegetation are doddering peony, Altai globe-flower, and Turkic lily.


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