Zaisan is the oldest freshwater lake on the planet Earth, and it is located in Eastern Kazakhstan. This is one of the largest reservoirs in Asia with a length of 105 km, and a maximum width of 48 km. The lake occupies a shallow depression among the vast desert Zaisan basin. The scientific and historical significance of the lake lies in the fact that the routes of expeditions of famous Asian researchers, such as F.I.Baykov, N.M.Przhevalsky, G.N.Potanin, A.I. Sedelnikov, V.V. Sapozhnikov, passed by Lake Zaisan. Dinosaurs roamed along the shores of Lake Zaisan 90 million years ago. In the vicinity of the lake are well preserved ancient landscapes of the foothill plains. Today, the waters of the lake shelter more than 20 valuable species of fish.

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