The Arasan River is a left tributary of the White Berel River. The Arasan River is located on the territory of the Katon-Karagai National Park. In the valley of the river close to radon springs there is a high-mountain sanatorium "Rakhmanovskie klyuchi". The height of the mountains in the river valley ranges from 2300 m to 2800 m .
Between the source and the mouth of the Arasan River, approximately in the middle, there is a small lake Arasan with an islet in the center. Locals call this lake - Maloye Rakhmanovskoye.

On the Arasan River, which flows from the Rakhmanov Lake, the Arasan waterfall is formed – a powerful and picturesque cascade-type waterfall. Heavy water of cascade waterfalls falls with a roar into the deep Bereli gorge, acquires a rapid character and violently rushes among shale rocks and huge boulders. Especially impressive is the upper stage of the cascade, which is the longest and highest. In this part, a stormy stream of water with noise and splashes breaks out on a low cliff and rushes down with a deafening roar in a wide, swift stream, crashing against the rocks and turning into white foam and small spray. Below, at the very foot, getting into a wide stone pool, fenced on both sides by sheer granite walls, with no time to quiet down, the water, breaking through the boulders, falls down in a second small fall-type cascade. The altitude of the water fall and the width of the flow of this stage of the waterfall is about 6 m . The cascade ends with a deep pit, created by water as a result of centuries-old work.

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