The Turgusun River originates in the eastern part of the Ivanovsky ridge on the border with the Turgusun belok, is a large, full-flowing, right tributary of the Bukhtarma River.
Turgusun flows into the Bukhtarma 5 kilometers down from the village of Parygino. The Turgusun River is located in the Altai region. The main riverbed is formed from the confluence of the Big and Small Turgusun, which, in turn, originate from numerous tributaries, which mainly originate from moraine lakes located in the highest part of the Ivanovsky ridge of the Black Knot tract.
After the confluence of the Big and Small Turgusun, the Turgusun River receives two left-flowing tributaries that originate in the Kholzun ridge, these are the Talovy Turgusun and Narymka rivers. The Talovy Turgusun and Narymka rivers encircle, respectively, the Narym ridge from the northwestern and southeastern sides.

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