Recreation center Klimovka

  • Services: Bathhouse • Phyto-barrel • Horse riding • Slide • Table games • Sports ground • Trampoline • Dining room
  • Accommodation:

    Houses: Presidential (2-bedded) • VIP (5-bedded)

    Rooms: 3-bedded

  • Food: Not included
  • Price: Accommodation: from 40,000 to 85,000 kzt/day
  • Note:

    The cost of accommodation varies on weekends/holidays

    Children under 3 years old are free, between 3-15 years old there is a 50% discount

  • Description:

    A holiday outside the city in the forest is a great opportunity to enjoy nature, escape from the bustle of the city and fill yourself with fresh air. Here you can spend your time actively, playing sports and hiking, or simply sleep and relax, listening to the sound of trees and birdsong. Comfortable cozy houses, delicious food, contemplation of the surrounding beauty and walks along forest paths are the conditions for an ideal holiday.

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