Akimat of East Kazakhstan region presented letters of gratitude

Akimat of East Kazakhstan region presented letters of gratitude to the famous videographers of the country

East Kazakhstan region is one of the few regions with great potential for tourism development. During the pandemic, great attention was paid to domestic tourism, tourists began to visit the sights of their region more often.

We can say with confidence that a great contribution to the development of tourism is made by travel-bloggers, for example Bekmagambetov Talgat Kanatovich (@talashin) and Kuznetsov Alexander Anatolievich (@kuznetsovkz) regularly create and participate in projects in East Kazakhstan, through which they popularize VKO and thereby attract a large tourist flow to our region.

Akimat of East Kazakhstan region highly appreciates work of these guys and thanks for the contribution to development and informational promotion of tourism of East Kazakhstan.



04/08/2022 760
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