Safe recreation with Touristik Kamkor!

The 2019-2020 tourist season has been extremely difficult for the tourism industry. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic changed travelers' plans. Accordingly, the outbound tourism industry was the first to face the toughest test.

The system of guaranteeing the rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in outbound tourism (hereinafter - the System) created in 2016 showed the timeliness and correctness of the decision. According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 601 of October 21, 2016 the KF "Touristik Kamkor" is the administrator of the system.

So when a pandemic occurred in March of this year, by the forces of the System, the return of about 6,000 (six thousand) citizens of Kazakhstan to their homeland was carried out in the shortest possible time. The work done has shown that the tour operators, members of the System, are proven and reliable tour operators.

The tour operators, members of the system, fully felt the legal and financial support of the state.

Today the borders are gradually opening, people once again have an opportunity to travel outside of Kazakhstan, and the tourism market is starting to revive.

Protect yourself and your loved ones while vacationing abroad.

Learn more about safe travel in a specially designed memo and video!

Tourist Guide (pdf)




21/10/2020 1049
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