Cinemas and karaoke will start working in Kazakhstan


Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan Yerlan Kiyasov has published a new decree on the Ashyq project. It will include cinemas, theaters, karaoke, concert halls and a number of other establishments in three stages.

According to the new decree, in the first stage, from April 14, will be able to participate:

▪️театры and Philharmonic;
▪️объекты catering facilities, except banquet halls, canteen-type facilities, fast-food joints, and streetfood
▪️добровольные participants.

The second phase of the pilot will begin April 21, and as of that day, the project will include:

▪️межобластные and urban irregular (tourist) transportation;
▪️бильярдные clubs;
▪️концертные halls.

The third phase will begin May 5:

▪️банкетные halls (with occupancy up to 50 people in one hall, at least 4 square meters per visitor) in the "green" zone.


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