To the Lake of the Pacific

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Number of people in the group: up to 25
  • Rest type: Foot
  • Length: 15 km

The excursion begins from the outskirts of the village of Uryl. Amazing beauty trail winds along the bank of the river Urylka, passes through a large birch grove and then through a mixed forest, through the Komkova valley to the Musinov's sheep barn. Along the trail, there are many medicinal herbs. The route passes through an open area. On hills and glades you can enjoy strawberries and wild strawberries. Raspberries, black and red currants ripen in the forest.

Not far from the trail, to the right of the route, tourists will meet an interesting natural object - a huge boulder on which grows a hawthorn bush, creating a bizarre natural composition.

The forest is home to small animals: squirrels, field mice, moles, various rodents, as well as birds: owls, cuckoos, sparrows, magpies and other birds.

After passing through the forest, the trail enters the Komkova Valley, where the cattlemen's lodge is located.  Behind the house is a forest and a creek, through which you can walk by a fallen tree.

After 500 m of trail, there is a beautiful view of Lake Quiet. To the right of the lake are rocks and coniferous forest, and all around are moss-covered rocks. The shore of the lake is covered with marsh plants.  The fish in the lake are grayling, minnow and broadhead.

After a short rest at the lake Tihom, the group comes back to the river Urylka and stops for lunch. The river current is very slow and calm, but then the river gathers speed and near the village of Uryl it rushes, boils and foams with fast stream.

The way back lies along the right bank of the river Urylka through the hilly terrain to the village Uryl.

1 day

Important information

- information about the reservation and cost of the tour can be found on the official website of the organization, or by contacting the telephone numbers listed below;
- The cost of the tour can be changed depending on the number of tourists.

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