Ust-Kamenogorsk (360°) Gathering point Ablaykit (360°) After the village of Mamai there is a turn in the direction of Ablaikit and Sibin Lakes 3 Sibin Lakes Озера лежат в "чашах" невысоких гор, принявших причудливые формы 4 Targyn On the way out of the village there is a kumyskhana 5 Verkhniye Tainty Past the village of Verkhniye Tainty there is a cafe with home cooking "Zhanna" 6 Nizhniye Tainty 16 km from the village there are cafes "Akbastau" and "Sayakhat" 7 Shubarkayin Medical center, shop "Aizhan" 8 Samar Here you can stay for the night 9 Bridge over Bukhtarma reservoir The former Kaznakovskaya ferry 10 Kurchum The village is located in the delta of the Kurchum River. Here you can buy the famous Kurchum watermelons Kiin-Kerish (360°) "Flaming Cliffs", "Martian Valleys". Landscape of the canyon consists of scarlet, brick, and yellow hills Shekelmes (360°) Shekelmes is a vast area consisting of numerous layers of sedimentary rocks. 13 Markakol There is a border control point in the village, you need to have documents with you Urunkhayka A village on the eastern shore of Lake Markakol Ak-Baur (360°) Neolithic temple complex, a grotto, the arch of which is covered with petroglyphs
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