When you arrive in Zaysan, be sure to take a walk through the streets of the city, the history of which dates back more than a century and a half.

Historical sites of the early twentieth century, merchant houses, shops, administrative buildings, hotels, city gates and many other attractions that still adorn the city of Zaysan were created according to the project of Bayazit Satpayev.

In the house of the local merchant Bobkin, built in 1895, today the Zaysan Museum of Local History is located. The museum's current collection consists of more than 7 thousand exhibits and documentary materials. Lovers of antiquity will not regret visiting this museum.

The house of the Kazakh bai-merchant Zhunus Tatanov is full of historical events. During 1918, meetings of representatives of the Alash party were held here, and the house was used as the headquarters of the party. It is amazing how these buildings have been preserved, telling us how the city breathed, how the citizens lived, and generally showing the picture of urban construction from the beginning of the last century.

Zaysan is the birthplace of General Kornilov and poet Pavel Vasiliev. Poet-philosopher Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov lived and worked here.

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