Ust-Kamenogorsk is the regional center of Eastern Kazakhstan. The area of the city is 543 sq. km. with a population of 341,000 people. It is the most populous city in the region.

Ust-Kamenogorsk is the birthplace of hockey, where one of the most successful hockey clubs in the country, Torpedo, was born in 1955. The team's matches can be viewed at the Sports Palace.

Ulba Metallurgical Plant is located in the city - it is one of the 3 enterprises in the world that has beryllium production. This is the only enterprise in the CIS to produce tantalum products.

A unique coin "Cosmos" was made at the Mint of Ust-Kamenogorsk. It is the first coin in the world made with the use of tantalum. Tantalum is usually used in the aerospace industry.

There are several museums in the city such as the Museum of Art and the Ethnographic Museum.

The Museum of Art is one of the most important centers of spiritual culture of the city as well as one of the largest in the country. It was opened in 1990.

The Ethnographic Museum has rare collections that represent the ethnographic value and historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Kazakhstan and other countries.

The most popular recreation area is the Levoberezhny Complex. It is one of the objects that are part of the East Kazakhstan Regional Architectural-Ethnographic and Natural Museum-Reserve. In the museum-reserve there is a zoo, with more than 200 animals. Many of the inhabitants of the zoo are listed in the Red Book. Also, the most popular object of the Levoberezhny complex is the Ethno village. It presents the homesteads of 13 nations living in the East Kazakhstan region.

Also, the most popular object of the Levoberezhny complex is an ethno village. It presents the homesteads of 13 nations living in the East Kazakhstan region. In each of the houses, the atmosphere corresponding to that time is recreated as much as possible. There are no analogs of such exposition in Kazakhstan. In addition, on the territory of the park there is a beach "Golubye Ozera" (Blue Lakes), a boat station, a children's exhibition and play complex.

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